Tips For A Successful IT Help Desk

Any company that has an IT help desk needs to have one that is both quick and gets the job done. Providing anything else to a customer will drive them elsewhere. But what are the ways that a customer support staff can be effective? There are some tried and true methods that can be followed to ensure success. Here are just a few of the ways that your New Jersey help desk support can do so much better than is offered by the competition. Continue reading “Tips For A Successful IT Help Desk”

Help is defined by the recipient

help is defined by the recipientPeter Drucker, perhaps the wisest management consultant ever, coined the phrase shown in the image to the right almost 50 years ago. If you are offering help to someone, it is only help if they acknowledge that it is useful to them. If someone has not asked for help, you should tread very carefully before offering any. Very often someone is not asking for help because they don’t believe they need help. When you offer help in that situation, the recipient may become angry that you are criticizing the way they are doing things. Continue reading “Help is defined by the recipient”