
5 Tips To Strengthen Your Law Firm’s Online Presence

This article is contributed by Celina Rodger.

The days when law firms and agencies in similar niches could advertise exclusively via posters in the bus stop or the Sunday newspapers are long gone. Nowadays, lawyers require a lot more publicity to keep ahead of the competition and land those hefty contracts than they ever did before.

This is why the legal firm’s online presence is crucial for its survival and profitability. However, you cannot simply upload a half-baked website that includes minimalistic information and contact details and expect the traffic and prospects to start pouring in. Let’s examine the most important steps in SEO for legal agencies.

Starting a blog focused on your legal niche

A news feed can help you reel in more visitors by providing them with relevant, updated information on the niche and this can easily be achieved with a blog. Moreover, having a high traffic, content rich blog linking back to your website will influence the search engine spiders indexing it to rank the firm’s website a lot better too.

Studying the strategies of your competitors

While your SEO service provider will do his best to ensure that your firm’s website is up to code with the search engine requirements, he knows very little about the primary competitors in your niche. Staying knowledgeable about the SEO efforts of your competition will help you determine the areas where you are falling behind. For example, if one of the other law firms has invested heavily in social media marketing, then you too will have to get with the program and kick it up a notch.

Making the website accessible and easy to browse

A confusing website where the content is arranged in an arbitrary manner or one that requires clicking on a lot of links in order to access the desired information constitute sure fire ways to put off visitors. When they cannot locate the info they were searching for within the first few minutes, the viewer will simply close the tab and follow the next link listed in the query. What you want to do is condense the number of categories and place direct, intuitive links such as Home>Tax Laws>Schedule, rather than Home>Finances>Taxes>Business Taxes>Schedule for example.

Including just the right amount of keywords / key phrases

The presence of the main keywords like “law”, “lawyers”, “legal” followed by the geographical location where your firm activates is mandatory, if you want the search engines to list your website within the first few positions. However, you cannot excessively utilize them or place them out of context in your content, because you may be penalized for it. Therefore, you must learn how to employ them naturally and sparingly.

Adding updates on the website regularly

Updates don’t have to focus exclusively on the design / layout of the website, although ensuring that all the links are working properly at all times is very important. Any modifications to the legislation of your niche, important cases and their stories and relevant announcements from the authorities should always be uploaded on the website as soon as possible. Dedicating the news feed to the interest of the public by transforming your website into a source of legal information will bring in a lot more visitors.

Author Bio: Celina Rodger is a frequent blogger. She likes blogging on topics related to business, SEO, marketing and health. Visit her website to read more about the internet marketing in Nashville TN.

Photo credit: image of old style lawyer courtesy of  CCNY Libraries via photopin cc